Why Join Ely Great Farm Allotment Association
At Ely Great Farm we have an Allotment Association which is run by a small committee of volunteers with the aim of managing the Allotments for the benefit of the allotment holders. We invite all allotment holders on the site to join the Association by paying an annual subscription fee, it's currently £10 per named plot holder per year.
Your ‘subs’ currently enables the committee to:
Manage communications with the Council regarding issues and ambitions on the site on behalf of all.
Set up and run a number of communications channels e.g. website, Facebook page and WhatsApp, as well as on-site notice boards.
Provide advice and support to plot holders on environmentally sustainable allotment gardening.
Subsidise group purchases/ activities or training organised for the plot holders.
Fund any minor repairs or costs to improve the running and management of the site - (Major repairs etc are the responsibility of the landlord the Council).
Cover the purchase and maintenance of equipment needed for the general running of the site.
Covers the cost of Ely Great Farm Wix website.
Liaise with the Cardiff Allotment Holders Association to get best practice and with other allotment sites across Cardiff.
It also entitles you to vote in the annual AGM of the Ely Great Farm Allotment Association.
We hope you will agree, £10 goes a very long way and represents good value for money.
Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay and is preferred by the Committee. Please quote your plot number in the reference.
Bank Details: ELY FARM ALLOTMENT ASC Sort Code: 23-05-80 Account no: 48934919